One of my favorite uses is to add dried mushrooms when making bone broth. If you have a leftover chicken carcass after eating a roast chicken, throw it in a big pot with some veggies, dried mushrooms, salt, pepper, and a splash of apple cider vinegar, then fill it with water and let it simmer for 6-8 hours until it’s reduced by about two thirds. Strain it through a fine mesh and what you’re left with is a fragrant, nutritionally dense broth that’ll warm your soul.

Another way to prepare dried mushrooms is to rehydrate them with hot water and then drain the water, leaving you with the next best thing to fresh mushrooms: reconstituted mushrooms. In order to reconstitute mushrooms, place them in a heat-proof container, boil water, then pour the boiling water over the mushrooms. Allow them to soak for 15 minutes, then remove the mushrooms from the water and you can sauté them or otherwise cook them as you would fresh mushrooms. My favorite mushrooms to do this with are Oysters and Shiitakes. The Chestnuts and Black Poplar stems come back a little chewy when rehydrated in this manor and Lion's Mane come back a bit mushy. All three are better suited for cooking directly into soups and sauces, in my humble opinion. Make sure to save the broth you created by soaking the mushrooms and use it to add flavor to another dish.
Till next time.
I’m enjoying sprinkling the lion mane on top of pizza sauce before adding other toppings!